CCC-ALMOG-03 TALES03-01 Claws of Fury

Игры, , 11:00 - 15:30

Сеттинг: Forgotten Realms
Система: D&D_5
Жанр: героическое фэнтези
Программа: D&D Adventurers League
Игру проводит: ximximik

Приключение рассчитано на персонажей 11-16 уровней.

На приключение записаны:

  • Виталий Зараменских
  • Олег Денисов
  • Алексей Диденко
  • Дарья Климова
  • Даниил Бордийчук

The frontier city of Hawksroost has seen a lot in the past few weeks, but the claims that the people have seen a skel- eton dragon flying overhead at dusk are unsubstantiated. The hunt for the rumored creature is on, but is the creature what the people claim it is? Or is something else getting the people of Hawksroost all worked up?